Does Going To Therapy Mean I'm Crazy or Mentally Ill?


When you hear someone say “I have to go to therapy”, most people automatically ask themselves: do they have a psychiatric or mental disorder?

This is definitely not true! Unfortunately, therapy and counselling have negative connotations in society. In addition to this, mental health itself has been heavily stigmatised and is even a taboo subject in many places. However, poor mental wellbeing is very prevalent in society, including stress, mood problems, anxiety, etc. The stigma and negative connotations have led to people (especially in Asia) being reluctant to seek help or start therapy in fear of the negative connotations, despite them being false. Luckily, as the awareness of the importance of mental health is rising, the stigma is also breaking.


In fact, there are many reasons why counselling is essential, and mental illness is just one of the reasons to attend therapy. Therapy is designed to help people lead better lives through wellness and personal development.

How Therapy Can Help You:

There are countless reasons why therapy is beneficial and why we highly recommend therapy:

1. Relationships

It can strengthen relationships between family members and partners through better communication and understanding of each other. It does not mean that the relationships have failed! It can help improve relationships and increase happiness

2. Work and Career goals

Many people experience work-related stress, especially adapting to the rapidly changing world. Also, starting new jobs, moving to new places and relationships with colleagues, can all add to stress. Therapy can allow you to express your feelings and guide you through the difficulties. Career and goal setting can also be another reason to attend therapy! Some people feel lost, and better understanding their feelings can help them work towards their goals

3. Self-acceptance

Therapy can help you work towards self-love, self-esteem, and boost confidence. By stopping the negative self-talk and promoting positive thoughts and affirmations, we can work towards self-love and acceptance, which is important for happiness and quality of life!

4. Mindfulness

Therapy can teach us mindfulness techniques, allowing us to be more mindful in everyday life

5. Parenting

This not only applies to new parents! Bringing up a child can be very stressful and can take a toll on the mental health of parents. Improving the parents’ wellbeing can also help with raising children to be healthy and happy

6. Addiction or unhealthy behaviour

Some people are experiencing addiction or self-destructive habits. Therapy can help change the thoughts behind this

7. Mental health issues

Therapy is obviously an essential part of therapy for mental health issues including anxiety and depression

8. Isolation or loneliness

Therapy helps identify and reframe the negative thoughts and false beliefs associated

9. Children

It helps children have a healthier and happier development if they are able to talk about their problems! It reduces the chance of developing mental health issues later on

Breaking The Stigma for Mental Wellness

Let’s raise the awareness about mental health and reach out to those around you, and encourage them to seek therapy! Just remember that going to therapy does not mean we have a mental illness. It just means we are looking to improve ourselves to live happier and healthier lives! It actually shows a sign of strength and courage that we are willing to step up to be a better version of ourselves!