8 Steps to Overcome Low Self Esteem

8 Steps

Low Self Esteem

Low self-esteem is very common and many people are struggling with this. It is not a mental illness, but unresolved low self-esteem can lead to mood problems, depression and anxiety, eating disorders, and many more. Having low self-esteem can affect our quality of lives, impact our lives negatively, and can greatly affect relationships, work, and all aspects of life.

What are the signs that you might have low self-esteem?

  • Fear of failure, or fear of shame after failure
  • Overthinking
  • Frequent negative thoughts or Self-hating thoughts
  • Excessively sensitive to criticism
  • Feelings of social withdrawal, or hostility
  • Feeling worthless
  • Feeling anxious or depressed
  • Frequent indecisiveness, fear of making the wrong decisions

What are the causes of low self-esteem?

There is no single cause of low self-esteem.

It can be affected by our upbringing, environmental factors, childhood trauma or bullying, social support, parents, and many more.

8 Steps to overcome low self esteem

  • Writing down your positive attributes and strengths
  • Stopping negative self-talk
  • Changing negative thoughts to positive ones
  • Practice Meditation and mindfulness
  • Keep a gratitude journal. Reminding yourself of what you're grateful for can boost self esteem
  • Comparing less with other people
  • Try being more decisive and assertive. Becoming more accustomed to this can boost your self esteem
  • Go to therapy

Give these 8 steps a try and you will notice the difference in your self esteem!