Tips On How To Manage Stress


Tips On How To Manage Stress 

Stress has been defined as a general state of distress, which could be physical, mental or emotional distress. The state of distress is different for everyone, and everyone reacts and feels differently to various situations. Stress can be both positive and negative, depending on the extent, duration and whether it has any significant negative effects on physical or mental health. Positive stress can fill you with excitement, energy and motivation, while negative stress can do the opposite and have a negative impact on physical and mental wellbeing. Read more on the article about good and bad stress.

Regardless of whether the stress was initially positive or negative, stress can turn either way (e.g. from positive to negative, or vice versa). It is important to know how to cope with stress effectively to prevent stress from having a negative impact on us. Stress can manifest as headaches, pain, muscle tension, fatigue, dizziness, anxiety, rapid heart rate and breathing, difficulty sleeping, mood changes, difficulty concentrating, and much more.

Ways To Manage Stress

  • Relaxation techniques, meditation, mindfulness, breathing techniques
  • Focus on one task at a time, stop multitasking. This increases productivity and allow more efficient work, which will reduce stress
  • Create a schedule and clear out unnecessary clutter. Being more organized can reduce stress
  • Exercise and walking more
  • Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet
  • Journaling
  • Practice Gratitude, focusing on the positive
  • Prioritize sleep and good sleep hygiene for better sleep quality
  • Social support, connect with others, reduce loneliness
  • Go to therapy
  • Set boundaries, prioritize your needs first, and learn how to say no
  • Remind yourself of your strengths and your potential, and remember your achievements, as well as difficulties that you have overcome in the past
  • Reframe the situation to see the benefits of the current challenge, for example as opportunity for growth
  • Learn something new, develop new hobbies
  • Self-compassion: reduce negative self-talk as this amplifies stress. Self-compassion and forgiveness can strengthen us and encourage growth

4 A’s for managing stress:

  • Avoid unnecessary stress, learn how to say no, know your limits
  • Alter stressful situations, e.g. be more assertive about preferences respectfully
  • Adapt to stressors by reframing in positive light and see it as opportunities, reduce perfectionism tendencies
  • Accept that some things cannot be changed or controlled

Go to therapy and speak to a therapist to equip yourself with the necessary skills for stress management. These skills are essential for everyone!