Cathleen Ye


Master in Counselling


Cathleen 是資深的心理咨詢師與轉型教練,她已有超600小時的咨詢時數,擅長焦慮,抑郁,厭學,職涯規劃,個人轉型,情緒管理與內心成長。Cathleen已經取得二級心理咨詢師證書和國際教練聯合會的專業教練資質,同時也是牛津大學正念中心受訓的正念認知療法的培訓師。客戶反饋Cathleen 的咨詢風格親和,溫暖,循序漸進。她的願景是幫助更多人活出喜悅的自己。

Areas of Expertise: Anxiety, Depression, Self esteem, Stress, Family, Career, Sleeping problem, Life goal setting, Phobia

Cathleen is an experienced counsellor and coach. She has over 500 counselling hours for clients, specializing in career planning, personal transition, emotional management and inner growth. Cathleen has obtained a Level 2 Counsellor Certificate and a professional coaching qualification from the International Coach Federation.

Cathleen Ye

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