Fion Leung


Master in Counselling (PolyU), 輔導學碩士
Certified Counsellor - Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association (HKPCA), 香港專業輔導協會會員


Hello! 我是Fion,一位心理治療師和輔導員。‘Listen to understand’ — 由心岀發,去了解每一個人心裡的想法,理解每個可能被隱藏在內心深處的故事,是我成為心理治療師的初心。曾經於英國及香港多間機構從事心理健康服務工作。近年致力於香港推廣心理教育,知識和健康,並為香港聯校心理學協會導師之一。在治療過程中,我擅長用認知行為治療(CBT Cognitive Behavioural Therapy),希望透過提高自我意識(Self-Awareness) 和心理知識(Psychoeducation),從而令諮詢者可以更了解自己的情緒、想法和行為模式。配合不同個案需要,採用尋解導向(Solutionfocused) 和靜觀(Mindfulness)技巧,讓自己從多角度了解自己,找到屬於自己獨特而有意義的生活方式。我相信,每個人都有遇到對生活日常上感到迷惘掙扎的時候,願我們可以去發掘、面對和接受最真實的自己。

Areas of Expertise: Depression, Anxiety, Career counselling, Stress, Family, Relationships, Post traumatic stress disorder, Loneliness, Self Esteem, Sleeping problems, etc

Fion is a psychotherapist and counsellor. She received her education from both UK and HK and she works with people from all walks of life. She worked in three different prisons in UK, home visiting for elderly with dementia and their carers, students with special education needs (SEN) and people who need support with their mental health, emotions and behaviours. Fion is passionate about promoting mental health, psychoeducation and self-awareness. She is open minded, empathic and able to offer non-judgemental support and understand, in a caring and comforting manner. She is compassionate with expertise in effective communication, building relationships and maintaining confidentiality. Fion specialises in objectively evaluating and managing feelings, thoughts and actions. Different approaches, for example, Solution Focused, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy , Mindfulness Exercise  would also be part of the therapeutic process according to situations when needed. “Listen to understand “ is the motto for Fion as a therapist. To understand every story behind and the feelings and thoughts within. Let’s explore and face the difficult moments together!

Fion Leung

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