Alvis Chiu




Areas of Expertise: Anxiety, Depression, Self Esteem, Marriage and Couples Counselling, Family and Relationships, Career Counselling, Goal Setting, Anger Management, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Loss of loved ones, Phobia, Loneliness, Obsessive Compulsive Symptoms, Sleep Problems

Alvis 是一位輔導心理學家,並己獲取輔導及心理學碩士的學歷。在輔導室內,他採用以人為本及心理動力學的治療方法,務求個案感受到被專重和關愛。他志於向不同文化背景及身份的人士提供輔導。作為一名心理學家,Alvis所使用的治療方向都是經研究實證有效的方法。不少尋求輔導的人士都是有感迷失才找輔導的。有些個案希望輔導是直接把解決方法拋出來的,這樣的想法是絕對正常的。更重要的是,輔導是透過製造出合適的治療環境給予個案重新去審視世界的過程。Alvis 相信每一個尋求輔導的人都潛在成長的空間,他會陪伴著您走最艱難的路。

Alvis is a Counselling Psychologist who specialized in both humanistic and psychodynamic approach. He sees his clients with respect and compassion.He is dedicated to serve clients with diverse cultural backgrounds and cultural identity. He strikes to provide evidence-based interventions to his client, aiming for an effective approach that leads to a long-term change. Many clients come into the session feeling lost. It is normal for clients want to look for straightforward answers in counselling sessions. Alvis’s approach is to create the condition of change in the therapy and help the client to reappraise how they see the world. Alvis firmly believe that every client has the potential for growth. If you are struggling right now, he is there for you.

Alvis Chiu

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