How To Help Family Or Friends With Depression?


How do we help someone with depression?

Depression is a very common mental disorder and there may be people close to you who are suffering from depression. Depression can be very difficult and debilitating, and can really affect their life, daily functioning, work, and relationships with family and friends.

Here are a few ways to help those suffering from depression:

  • Learn about depression and understand its symptoms and treatment. Read about depression or speak to a mental health professional for more insight
  • Understanding depression will help recognize the signs of depression (read the article on signs of depression). Being able to identify depression earlier can allow them to get proper help and treatment earlier to prevent it from getting worse
  • Listen and support them, show that you care and that their emotions are real and that they matter. Be patient and non-judgmental and check in on them, and help them feel acknowledged.
  • Take depression seriously. It is a mental condition that you can’t just ‘snap out of’ or ‘sleep it off’. Neither can it be changed with saying ‘cheer up and be happy’, or having a nice meal
  • Encourage them to seek help through therapy and depression support groups, and seeing a psychiatrist if necessary. Getting proper treatment for depression is essential.
  • Recognize when they have suicidal thoughts or self-harm thoughts and immediately seek emergency help.