What Does Depression Feel Like?


What Does Depression Feel Like?

What is the difference between sadness and depression? Does feeling sad or having mood swings mean I am depressed?

Having occasional mood swings or feeling sad and occasionally having a depressed mood are normal emotions that everyone experiences. It can occur after major life events, changes in relationships or careers, etc. These emotions usually resolve on their own.

However, if they are persistent, recurring and especially affecting daily functioning, it may be signs of depression. To many people, the term ‘depression’ makes them automatically think of severe paralyzing condition or that they must have suicidal or self-harm thoughts.  In fact, depression is a spectrum and ranges from mild depression to severe depression.It is early to recognize the early signs of depression and get treatment as soon as possible.

So what does depression feel like?

  • Loss of interest in activities that you previously enjoyed
  • Persistent low mood
  • Finding it difficult to focus
  • Changes in appetite or weight
  • Unable to find joy in life
  • Increasing fatigue
  • Altered sleep patterns (sleeping too much or unable to sleep)
  • Feeling worthless
  • Finding it difficult to get out of bed and caring for yourself
  • Feeling there is no way out
  • Thoughts of death, self-harm, suicidal attempts
  • Physical symptoms like headaches, aches

If these feelings persist, it may be signs of depression. It is essential speak to a medical professional to see if there are other medical conditions leading to these symptoms. It is then essential to speak to mental health professional and start treatment for depression. Treatment for depression include medications, psychotherapy, lifestyle changes and more. Read the article on depression for more information.